Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Cheesemaking Course with Peter Dixon

Enhancing Dairy Profitability with Cheese
by Peter Dixon
April 8, 9 & 10, 2011
9am to 5pm

location: Monkeyflower Ranch
1481 San Miguel Canyon Rd.
Royal Oaks, CA 95076


This three-day class is designed for people who have necver made cheese before and those who want to improve their skills in order to enter the cheese business. Peter Dixon, one of the world's premier cheesemaking instructors, will teach participants about milk quality, ingredients used in cheesemaking, processes for making a variety of cheese, techniques and requirements for aging cheese, and pointers for establishing a business as a farmstead or artisan cheesemaker.
The heart of the workshop is the hands-on opportunity for participants to make a number of different cheeses themselves, and so to learn by actually doing it.
Cheeses you'll make yourself: Gouda, Havarti, Lactic, Tomme and other Alpine & Caciocavallo (like Provolone).
Whether you're interested in working with milk from cows, sheep or goats this is the workshop for you!

The registration fee of $450 per person includes tuition, handout resource materials, all workshop supplies (milk, rennet, salt, equipment, etc.) plus lunches and refreshments for all three days. Registrations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. The class must be limited to 15, so there can be no refunds unless we can fill your space.

for more information or to register: info@gardenvarietycheese.com

or register now with paypal (there is a $13 added charge):

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